March 2022 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
1 April 2022
18 May 2022TAX CONSULTACY📝 |
WITH LAW NO. 7394, NEW TAX REGULATIONS ARE HERE! With “Law No. 7394 on Evaluation of Immovable Property Owned by the Treasury and The Law on the Amendment of the Added Value Tax Law and the Law on the Amendment of Certain Laws and Decrees”, published on 15.04.2022, new tax regulations have been made, and some laws have been amended and added. We will present these amendments and additions to your information in summary form with our bulletins. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
NEW REGULATIONS REGARDING THE SMUGGLING CRIMES AND PENALTIES IN THE TAX PROCEDURE LAW With the “Law No. 7394 on Evaluation of Immovable Property Owned by the Treasury and The Law on the Amendment of the Value Added Tax Law and the Law on the Amendment of Certain Laws and Decrees”, published on 5.04.2022, new tax regulations were made. Details are provided below for your information. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
NEW REGULATIONS ON VALUE ADDED TAX APPLICATIONS ENTERED INTO FORCE! We have previously mentioned to be changes in Value Added Tax Practices in our bulletins. Officially dated April 21 2022, numbered 31816 “Communiqué Amending the Value Added Tax General Implementation Communiqué (Serial No: 41)” was published in the Gazette and entered into force. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. DRAFT COMMUNIQUÉ ON THE PRINCIPLES OF REMOTE WORKING IN R&D AND DESIGN CENTERS AND TECHNOCITIES IS PUBLISHED AGAIN On 21.12.2021, the draft communiqué regarding the implementation of the Law No. 5746 on Supporting Research and Development, and Design Activities and the amendment concerning the incentives in the Law No. 4691 on Technology Development Zones was published for the second time. The President has not yet exercised the authority to increase the applicability of the regulation, which we believe will increase its applicability to 75%. It is required to apply 50% for every business independent of the sector. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
FAST CHARGING STATIONS FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES GRANT PROGRAM IS PUBLISHED! The Ministry of Industry and Technology has taken a crucial step to establish the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles in Türkiye. It started the “Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Grant Program” to enable entrepreneurs to invest in fast charging stations. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
KOSGEB (SMALL AND MEDIUM INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION) GREEN TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT PROGRAM OPENED! The Green Transformation Support Program was launched to determine the current situation of SMEs on green transformation; and to identify their problems and needs, to create the necessary strategies in this regard, to develop their capacities in line with these strategies and to meet their priority needs. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. THE RANGE OF SERVICE SECTORS SUPPORTED BY THE MINISTRY HAS EXPANDED! Official Gazette on April 20, 2022, changes were made in the export supports offered by the TR Ministry of Commerce. In the first decisions, the definition, classification and support scopes of the supported service sectors were included, while in the second decision, the details of E-TURQUALITY that concerns IT and its sub-sectors, which have been on the agenda for a long time, were mentioned. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. THE SCOPE OF SERVICE INDUSTRY TURQUALITY SUPPORT HAS CHANGED Official Gazette on April 21, 2022, there are many changes in Branding Support and TURQUALITY, which are the umbrella support programs for Service Export within the scope of the TR Ministry of Commerce. One of the most important changes is the conversion of support upper limits from $ to TL. It has been reported that the relevant upper limits will be updated every year. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
CONSTITUTIONAL COURT DECIDES ACCEPTABLE OF ALLEGED VIOLATION OF PROPERTY RIGHT DUE TO NON-PAYMENT OF OVER-TIME WAGES The Constitutional Court’s decision dated 22/02/2022 and application number 2019/1450 was published in the Official Gazette on 05/04/2022. The subject of the individual application filed by the worker is related to the claim that “the right to property is violated due to non-payment of overtime wages”. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. PROHIBITION TO PAY WITH FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN SECURITIES SALES CONTRACTS The Communiqué on Amending the Communiqué on the Decree No. 32 (“Communiqué”) on the Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency (“Communiqué Amendment”) was published in the Official Gazette, dated 19.04.2022 and numbered 31814, and entered into force on the same date. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. DECISION ON TIME TRACKING WITH FINGERPRINT In the case subject to the decision, the applicant should be a civil servant in a public institution (“Institution”). In order to track the entry and exit from the institution where the applicant works, a fingerprint registration system with overtime tracking is implemented, however, the applicant objected to this practice. The Institution rejected the applicant’s request, and the applicant filed a lawsuit at the Administrative Court for the annulment of the administrative act. Despite the decision of the Administrative Court to accept the case and the annulment of the administrative act, the case was rejected by the court of appeal by the application made by the institution. The matter was brought to the Constitutional Court by the applicant. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
SSI OVERSEAS INSPECTION APPLICATION HAS COME INTO SERVICE The general article on “Overseas Inspection Application” published by the Social Security Institution. It has been announced that the Overseas Inspection Program has been put into service as of 25/03/2022 and the principles regarding the implementation are included in the program. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. RESTRICTION ON TURKISH EMPLOYMENT ORGANIZATION ON-THE-JOB TRAINING PROGRAMS In the announcement of Turkish Employment Organization dated 05.04.2022 on “About On-the-Job Training Programs”; It is stated that “Even in the case of signed contracts, on-the-job training programs (except for the programs organized within the scope of ISDEP and SES Project) and vocational training courses that are not commenced until 17:30 on Wednesday, 06.04.2022 (today) should not commence.” 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. RIGHTS TO REFUND OF SENIORITY OF THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE PENSION CONDITIONS OUTSIDE THE AGE. Employees who cannot meet the age requirement for old-age pension, but who meet the conditions for the number of premium days and insurance period, receive severance pay raises some questions. Whose first insurance period is between 30.04.2008 and 31.12.2008 can meet the 4600 premium days requirement in 2022 increases the importance of the issue. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. SSI EMPLOYER REPRESENTATIVE IMPLEMENTATION COMMENCES The Ministry of Labor and Social Security, through the Social Security Institution (SSI), implements the “SSI Employer Representative” application in order to follow up the work and transactions of large-scale employers with a high employment capacity and which do employ many employees in Social Security Provincial Directorates and Social Security Centers without delay. The application will begin in Gaziantep and Izmir first, and other provinces will be included in the application according to the results. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
APRIL SCHEDULE FOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES… We are back in April with our Extensive Online Training Courses on Various Interesting Topics! 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. OUR REPORT ABOUT GENERAL OVERVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON DEVELOPMENT AREAS FOR SMEs IN TURKIYE IS PUBLISHED! In the first part of this report compiled by Sistem Global Consultancy; SMEs, which are among the crucial actors within the economy, their contribution to the indicators, and in the second part, the development areas of SMEs and suggestions related to these areas are shared. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |