October 2021 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
19 November 2021
December 2021 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
16 February 2022TAX CONSULTACY📝 |
DECISION ON THE MINIMUM 15% GLOBAL CORPORATE TAX FOR MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES The meetings within the scope of the G-20 Summit held in the city of Rome in Italy came to an end on 31.10.2021, and the decision on the global tax levied on multinational companies, among many other decisions, was finalized. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. THE LOWER LIMIT FOR THE MANDATORY IDENTIFICATION IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS SET TO USD 100! Pursuant to the Communiqué (Communiqué No.: 2021-32/64) on Amending the Communiqué (Communiqué No.: 2018-32/45) regarding Decision No. 32 as published in the Official Gazette dated 18.11.2021, the following amendments were made. A LOWER LIMIT of USD 100 was set for the mandatory identification in foreign exchange transactions. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. VAT RATE FOR CERTAIN ADVOCACY SERVICES REDUCED TO 8% With the Presidential Decision regarding the Determination of VAT Rates on Goods and Services No. 4862 published in the Official Gazette dated 16.11.2021, the VAT rate for certain advocacy services was reduced. The decision stipulates that the VAT rate is to be reduced from 18% to 8% for advocacy services provided within the scope of legal aid and legal assistance provisions in Civil Procedure Code No. 6100 and Advocacy Law No. 1136. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. 2021 REVALUATION RATE SET TO 36.20 PERCENT! As it is known, repeating Article 298, paragraph (B) of the Tax Code No. 213 reads: “The revaluation rate corresponds to average price increases in the Domestic Producer Price Index as declared by the Turkish Statistical Institute with the benchmark being the month October (including October) of the year in which the revaluation is to be made against the same period of the previous year, and this rate is announced in the Official Gazette by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance every year. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
PROGRAM FOR SUPPORTING RURAL DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS BY THE TURKISH MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE and FORESTRY (KKYDP, STAGE 15) Pursuant to the Communiqué on Supporting Agriculture Based Economic Investments (Communiqué No. 2020/24) within Rural Development Support to be carried out as part of the Presidential Decision, dated 27/7/2020 and numbered 2800, on Supporting Agriculture Based Economic Investments and Rural Economic Infrastructure Investments within Rural Development Support, following provincial and Ministerial assessment of the grant applications to be prepared by real and legal persons in line with the procedures and principles laid out for their economic investments aimed at ensuring economic and social development in rural areas in 81 provinces, those who are found eligible will be included in the program within the budget provisions and 50% of the project amounts subject to the grant will be covered by the program budget. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. EFFORTS UNDERWAY FOR INCREASING FLEXIBLE WORKING RATE FOR THOSE EMPLOYED AT R&D/DESIGN CENTERS AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AREAS TO 75%! With the Bill of Law regarding Amendments to Certain Laws included in the agenda of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) on November 16, 2021; on November 16, 2021, a bill of law was introduced before TBMM to authorize the President to increase the right to Time Outside Workplace, which is currently 50% as part of the flexible working option for the personnel employed in companies operating in R&D/Design Centers and Technoparks, up to 75% in certain regional and/or industry-specific areas to be determined. You can access the articles for flexible working laid out in the relevant bill of law from the link below. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
EFFORTS UNDERWAY FOR VICTIMS OF DELAYED PENSION AGE According to the social security system, the insured must meet the insurance time, number of premium days, and age criteria in order to retire. Retirement is part of the old age insurance and pursued by all insured persons who have had completed a certain amount of time in labor. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY ON VICTIMS OF DELAYED PENSION AGE The Ministry of Labor and Social Security clarified the recent press news on efforts regarding victims of delayed pension age. The Ministry said that their agenda includes scope and cost studies, as well as minimum wage determination as part of the 3600 additional index, while there is no schedule related to victims of delayed pension age on their priority agenda. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. 2022 MINIMUM WAGE ESTIMATION AND PAYROLL PARAMETERS Announcing that the Minimum Wage Commission will convene in December, Vedat Bilgin, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, stated that they would have the survey and research results beforehand which they would disclose to the public. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
THE CROWDFUNDING COMMUNIQUÉ ENTERS INTO FORCE AFTER BEING PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE The CROWDFUNDING COMMUNIQUÉ (III – 35/A.2), which regulates the procedures and principles regarding share- and loan-based crowdfunding prepared by the Capital Markets Board, has entered into force after being published in the Office Gazette numbered 31641 and dated 27.10.2021. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
DECEMBER SCHEDULE FOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES… We are back in December with our Extensive Online Training Courses on Various Interesting Topics! 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. TAKE YOUR PLACE AT SWITCH 2021 HELD IN SINGAPORE FROM NOVEMBER 8-12! The most important technology, innovation and entrepreneurship festival in Asia will be held in Singapore from November 8-12 as a digital and physical hybrid event. Held by Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and supported by National Research Foundation (NRF), the Singapore Innovation and Technology Week (SWITCH) brings together the leaders, entrepreneurs, creators, accelerators, and investors of the Global-Asian innovation ecosystem. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. WE ARE IN A RACE TO HELP EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY IN EDUCATION! At Sistem Global, sustainability and equality in opportunity in every sense greatly matter to us! With this in mind, the “Sistem Global Runners” team will run for charity in the Istanbul Marathon on November 7 as part of the project “I’m in a Race to Help Education” initiated by Darüşşafaka Society. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. YAKLAŞIM PUBLISHING GETS STRONGER IN DIGITAL WORLD WITH SİSTEM GLOBAL… Turkey’s long-established tax, social security and labor legislation brand, Yaklaşım Publishing joined forces with Sistem Global, signing an important agreement to help Yaklaşım Publishing render the Yaklaşım Magazine and its legislation corpus stronger in the digital world through new generation spearheading technologies and make them available for a larger audience. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |