August 2022 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
9 September 2022
October 2022 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
7 November 2022TAX CONSULTACY📝 |
CASH FOOD AID AND ELECTRICITY-NATURAL GAS SUPPORT UP TO 1000₺ WILL BE EXEMPT FROM TAX President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced news concerning employers and employees at the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce 140th Anniversary Special Awards Program. Accordingly, there will be exemptions in cash food aid, electricity, natural gas and heating aid to be provided to employees. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
SUPPORT UP TO 125.000 LIRA FOR MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES! In the new period (Fourth Period) of the support program opened by KOSGEB for micro and small businesses affected by the Covid-19 outbreak, the support amount per personnel to be employed has been increased from 100,000 TL to 125,000 TL and applications have started to be received. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1501 AND 1507 PROGRAMS 2022-2 CALLS HAVE BEEN EXTENDED! The application deadlines for the 1501 Industry R&D Support Program and 1507 SME R&D Startup Support Program 2022-2 Period Calls have been extended. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. EUROPEAN UNION PROJECT OPPORTUNITY FOR INNOVATIVE SMES! The call aims at the submission of feasibility project proposals to assess the viability of research or commercial objectives in international markets. A grant of €60,000 per project will be awarded under the call. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. E-TURQUALITY (STARS OF INFORMATICS) SUPPORT PROGRAM APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! The good news that the IT sector has been waiting for a while came from the Ministry of Trade; E-Turquality support program applications have been opened as of 28.09.2022. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
SGK E-NOTIFICATION APPLICATION IS NOW IN ANKARA! As of 01.09.2022, e-Notification application has been started in Ankara in order to expand the scope of the e-Notification system, which started in Eskişehir province within the scope of the “Regulation on Notification to be Made Electronically by the Social Security Institution”, which entered into force on 01.10.2021, and continued in Bursa, Konya and Gaziantep provinces. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
OCTOBER SCHEDULE FOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES… We are back in October with our Extensive Online Training Courses on Various Interesting Topics! 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |