November 2021 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
17 December 2021
January 2022 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
16 February 2022TAX CONSULTACY 📝
CHANGES MADE TO APPENDICES CONCERNING SSI DECLARATIONS ON TS/D, TS/D2 AND TS/D ITL DECLARATIONS! Some changes have been made to the “Appendices” section of the Tax Return and Prime Services Declaration with an announcement made on December 1st, 2021 by the Turkish Revenue Administration. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON VAT REFUND DEMANDS As known, there was an amendment made with the Law Number 7104 on Article 32 of the Value Added Tax Law Number 3065 to enter into force on January 1st, 2019 which states “The Value Added Tax which cannot be reduced due to absence of transactions to be taxed or the tax value calculated being less than the tax to be reduced shall be returned to those who perform the transactions in question by the Ministry of Finance and Customs on the condition that such return be demanded by the end of the second calendar year after the date of the transaction in question.” 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. GENERAL DECLARATION WITH SERIAL NUMBER 316 ON RETURN OF INCOME TAXES DEDUCED FROM AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT PAYMENTS PUBLISHED! With the General Income Tax Declaration published on December 10th, 2021, the return processes of income taxes taken from cuts off the Agricultural Support Payments are explained depending on whether they are subjects of lawsuits or not. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE UNABLE TO PAY TAXES ACCRUED BY RESTRUCTURING FOR TAX ASSESSSMENT AND CORRECTION OF RECORDS NUMBER 7326 WITHIN THE LEGALLY ALLOCATED TIME! As known, the Laws Dated May 11th, 2018 and Number 7143 and Dated June 3rd, 2021 Number 7326 on “Restructuring of Certain Receivables and Amendment of Certain Laws” were published in the Official Gazette dated May 18th, 2018 Number 30425 and in the Official Gazette dated June 9th, 2021 Number 31506, respectively. In the Articles 5 of the Laws in question, “Basis and Tax Increase” was regulated, whereas in the Articles 6 of the Laws in question, “correction of Business Records and records of Assets and accounts for Receivables from Partners” was regulated for taxpayers’ benefit. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. UPPER LIMIT FOR SCT EXCEPTIONS FOR PUCHASE OF CARS FOR DISABLED PERSONS CHANGED! With Notice Serial No. 9 on Amendments on the General Notice Number (II) for SCT List Applications published in the Official Gazette dated December 21st, 2021, the upper limit for purchase or import of passenger cars by disabled persons without SCT has been determined as 450000 TL. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. AMENDMENTS ON THE GENERAL VAT APPLICATION NOTICE! With Notices Serial Numbers 38 and 39 on Amendments to the General VAT Application Notice published in the Official Gazette dated December 21st, 2022, Number 31696, certain amendments have been enacted to the General VAT Application Notice. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. LIMITS AND AMOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 2022 SET WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE INCOME TAX LAW! The fixed limits and amounts included in the Income Tax Law and increased within the scope of assessment to be applied for the year 2022 have been redefined within the scope of the General Notice Serial Number 317. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. LIMITS AND AMOUNTS OF TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2022 REDEFINED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE TAX PROCEDURAL LAW! The General Notice with Serial Number 534 Defining the Minimum and Maximum Amounts for Fixed Limits has been published in the Official Gazette dated December 21st, 2021. In the aforementioned notice, the following statement was made: “The money and the fines to be paid whose minimum and maximum amounts are defined by fixed limits are applied with an increase in a ratio set by this Law every year. Considering the amounts set in the previous year. The fractions less than 5 percent of limits and amounts thus calculated are ignored. The Cabinet is authorised to increase or decrease limits and amounts thus calculated by half, to increase relative limits to twice the amount calculated or to decrease the latter by half or to bring relative limits to their legal values.” 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. ON CERTAIN NOTICES PUBLISHED FOR TAXES INCREASED BY THE REASSESSMENT VALUE! With the General Notice serial number 20 on the Special Communications Tax, General Notice serial number 66 on Stamp Duty and General Notice serial number 80 on Real Estate Tax published in the Official Gazette dated December 21st, 2021 Number 31696, the limits based on 36.20% of reassessment value of 2021 and to be applied in the year 2022 have been reassessed. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. STOPPAGE RATIO OF DIVIDENDS DECREASED TO 10%! Changes made to stoppage ratios of dividends with the Presidential Decree of December 21st, 2021 number 4936; With Cabinet Resolutions dated January 12th, 2009 Numbers 2009/14592, 2009/14593 and 2009/14594 published in the Official Gazette dated February 3rd, 2009, the 15% stoppage ratio applied on dividends included in the Article 94 of Income Tax Law Number 193 and Articles 15 and 30 of Corporate Tax Law has been decreased to 10% (addition of dividends to capital does not count as dividends). 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. STOPPAGE RATIO FOR FINANCE BONDS AND LEASING CERTIFICATES FLOATED BY ASSET LEASING COMPANIES REDEFINED! With the Presidential Decree Number 2569, the sub-paragraphs (1) and (3) of paragraph (a) and paragraph (ç) of first section of Article 1 of Appendix Resolution to Resolution Number 2006/19731 had been amended. With the aforementioned amendment, the stoppage ratio for financial bonds approved by the Capital Markets Board and income earned from leasing certificates with a maturity term of less than one year floated by asset leasing companies and earnings stemming from sales of these certificates was increased from 10% to 15%. The ratios in question were set as 0% with the amendment made on December 22nd, 2021. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. “REMOTE WORKING” PRACTICES WITHIN THE SCOPE OF LAW NUMBER 7263 IN R&D / DESIGN CENTRES AND TDZ COMPANIES UPDATED! There were some ambiguities in the practice of the Law Number 7263 for R&D / Design Centres and TDZ companies on Time Out Of Company Grounds. With the Law Number 7346 on “Articles 20 and 28 on Amendments on Certain Laws” published in the Official Gazette dated December 25th, 2021, ambiguities concerning “Remote Working” within the scope of Law Number 7263 have been clarified. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. STOPPAGE RATE FOR INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION RATIOS FOR TIME DEPOSITS AND PARTICIPATION SHARES WITH EXCHANGE RATE PROTECTION SET AS 0% With the presidential Decree Number 4970 published in the Official Gazette on December 25th, 2021, certain amendments have been made on the Resolution Number 2006/10731 defining the stoppage rates in the temporary Article 67 of the Income Tax Law. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
KOSGEB CALL FOR PROJECT SUGGESTIONS FOR R&D, P&D AND INNOVATION SUPPORT PROGRAMMES FOR 2021-22 NOW OPEN! A call for project suggestions has been issued by KOSGEB for improvements in technology, innovations, product quality and efficiency in manufacturing industry, and using a new R&D and approach to innovation and focusing on critical technologies for better support for transformation of industrial capacity into more competitive forms and increase of production with high added value of industries with middle-high and high technology levels to satisfy the needs in prioritised sectors and defence industries with as much domestically-developed technology and local sources as possible to increase the ratio of local products and to strengthen the defence industry ecosystem. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. RESOLUTION ON AMENDMENTS ON THE RESOLUTION FOR PROVISION OF PROJECT-BASED STATE SUPPORT FOR INVESTMENTS PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE DATED DECEMBER 18TH, 2021 NUMBER 31693 The amendment on Resolution for Provision of Project-Based State Support for Investments was published in the Official Gazette dated December 18th, 2021 number 31693, and the amendments made are summarised in the link below. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT FOR CALL FOR THE ELEVENTH IPARD PROGRAMME Institution for Support of Agriculture and Rural Development, an institution affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, will make the Announcement for the Eleventh Call within the first week of February 2022. Applications made for the article “302 – Diversification of Farming Activities and Work Development” will be accepted within the scope of the “Announcement of the 11th Call”. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
SSI E-NOTICE SCREEN NOW OPEN The Regulation on Publishing Notices in Electronic Media has been published in the Official Gazette dated September 24th, 2021 and entered into force on November 1st, 2021. The regulation concerns the notices to be published on-line by the Social Security Institution and the procedures and principles in question have been shared in our previous bulletins. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
PRESIDENT ERDOĞAN UNVEILS MINIMUM WAGE FOR 2022! President Erdoğan has unveiled the minimum wage amount valid for 2022. The minimum wage amount set as 2825.90 TL for 2021 was increased by about 50 percent for 2022, reaching an amount of 4250 (considered 4253 TL). 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. COST OF MINIMUM WAGE FOR THE YEAR 2022 FOR EMPLOYERS The resolution of “Commission for Fixing the Minimum Wage” was published in the Official Gazette of December 17th, 2021 Number 31692 and the gross daily minimum wage was fixed at 166.80 TL and gross monthly minimum wage was fixed at 5004 TL. Additionally, according to the declarations made yesterday, no income taxes or stamp taxes will be deduced from the amount of minimum wage. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. PAYROLL PARAMETRES FOR 2022 With the publication of General Notice for Income Tax and the approval of the Motion for Amendments on the Income Tax Law and Certain Other Laws by the National Assembly Planning and Budget Commission, payroll parameters and application modes for the year 2022 have been clarified. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. BILL PROPOSING EXCEPTIONS FOR INCOME TAX AND STAMP DUTY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES LEGALISED The Law Number 7349 on Amending the Income tax Law and Certain Other Laws which provides tax exemptions for wages and salaries of all employees up to the amount of minimum wage and removes the minimal livelihood discounts, which was approved on December 22nd, 2021, was published in the Official Gazette Dated December 25th, 2021. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. CHANGES TO THE AUTOMATIC INDIVIDUAL PENSION SYSTEM With the Directive on Amendments on the Directive for the Rules and Procedures for Automatic Inclusion of Employees by Employers in the Pension Plan, the article for automatic reinclusion of employees who have backed off from or abandoned the Individual Pensions System has been revoked. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. DRAFT FOR GENERAL NOTICE NUMBER 319 ON INCOME TAX PUBLISHED The draft for the General Notice for Income Tax to regulate the procedures and principles concerning the amendments made with the Law dated December 22nd Number 7349 on Amendments on the Income Tax Law and Certain Laws which amended the Income Tax Law number 193 and which was published in the Official Gazette dated December 25th, 2021 number 31700, has been published. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
JANUARY SCHEDULE FOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES… We are back in January with our Extensive Online Training Courses on Various Interesting Topics! 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
NEW DIGITAL ERA IN BANKING Licensing opportunity for branchless banks announced in the Economy Reforms Action Plan unveiled in March 2021 by the Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance has been announced by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) with the “Regulation on Principles of Operation of Digital Banks and Service Model Banking” in the Official Gazette dated December 29th, 2021 Number 31704. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |