28 April 2023
May 2023 / Sistem Global Newsletter Summary
TCMB SUMMARY FOREIGN EXCHANGE POSITION FORM OBLIGATION UPDATED The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (TCMB) made simplifications in terms of time and scope in the notification obligation regarding the summary foreign exchange position reporting to be made by companies through the Systemic Risk Data Tracking System (SRVTS). 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. EARTHQUAKE TAX COMMUNIQUÉ PUBLISHED The communiqué on the additional tax to be applied one-time to some discount and exemption amounts with the Restructuring Law No. 7440 has been published on April 15, 2023. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. 100% REMOTEWORK FOR IT STAFF! 100% remote working was introduced for IT staff working in Technology Development Zones and R&D or Design Centers. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
EARTHQUAKE ZONE PROVINCES INCLUDED IN THE CENTER OF ATTRACTION PROGRAM! Earthquake zone provinces have been included in the Attraction Center program and will be able to benefit from the 6th region investment incentive supports. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. EARTHQUAKE-DAMAGED INVESTMENTS WILL BENEFIT MORE FROM INSURANCE PREMIUM SUPPORT! With the decision dated 05.04.2023 and published in the Official Gazette, disaster provinces will benefit more from insurance premium supports as a consequence of being included in the Attraction Center.. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. YOUR BUSINESS IDEAS SPARKLE IN THE CRYSTAL LIGHT! The KRİSTALBIGG consortium, in which we are among the implementing organizations, continues to accept projects for the “TÜBİTAK 1512 Bigg Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program” until 19 May 2023. Through the BIGG program, the chance to acquire a 450 thousand TL fund from an investor for your upcoming company awaits you 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. DIGITAL AND GREEN TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT PROGRAMS AND R&D CENTERS PROJECTS INCLUDED AMONG PRIORITIZED INVESTMENTS! The Decree Amending the “Decree on State Aids to Investments” has been published in the Official Gazette dated 20.04.2023 and numbered 32169. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
THE STRUCTURING SCREEN HAS BEEN LAUNCHED FOR THE BAĞ-KUR PREMIUM DEBTS For insured persons with 4/b (BAĞ-KUR) premium debts, the menu titled “Restructuring of SSI Debts within the Scope of Law No. 7440” has been put into service on e-Government. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. SGK EYT INCENTIVE CIRCULAR PUBLISHED SGK’s circular numbered 2023/19 and titled “Five-Point Premium Discount on Employer’s Share of Social Security Support Premium” has been published. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. SGDP INCENTIVE AVAILABLE IN EMPLOYER SYSTEM In order to benefit from the 5-point discount provided for SGDP holders with EYT, 15510 Incentive register has been opened in the SSI Employer System. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. THE DEADLINES FOR THE SUBMISSION AND PAYMENT OF WITHHOLDING AND PREMIUM SERVICE DECLARATIONS HAS BEEN EXTENDED! With Tax Procedure Law Circular No. 154, it has been announced that the deadlines for the submission of Withholding and Premium Service, Accommodation Tax and Stamp Tax Declarations, which must be submitted by the end of April 26, 2023, and the payment periods of the taxes accrued on these declarations have been extended until the end of Friday, April 28, 2023. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
BILATERAL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN TURKEY AND THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THEIR IMPACT ON FOREIGN TRADE The United Kingdom is the 6th largest economy in the world with a GDP of 3.3 trillion dollars. The Free Trade Agreement signed between the two countries is important as it is the third market where Turkey has a current account surplus in its foreign trade. As a result of the agreement, taxes on industrial products have been reduced to 0% and some of the agricultural and processed agricultural products have been exempted from taxes. In this context, exports, especially in industrial products, increased by 30% on average. 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |
ONLINE TRAININGS SCHEDULE FOR MAY We are here with many training titles that you will want to see from our Online Trainings in May! 👉 Please contact us via info@sistemglobal.com.tr for all of your questions and opinions. |